New Models for Leveraging Social Media for Consumer Engagement

Healthcare Unbound Conference Panel, San Diego, CA July 19th
Leaders in the healthcare industry are using social media in entertaining, educational and emotional ways to engage and empower the consumer.
Research has shown the cost savings resulting from consumers' use of social media to support each other. Consumers experience less depression and isolation as they navigate their own health issues. However, social media has moved beyond support to motivate consumers in new, exciting and very personal ways which will be measured through “social analytics”.
Where are we headed with social media and how are these leaders planning to get there?
During this panel, you will see and hear about examples:
- Social Media designed to attract and motivate specific consumer “segments” such as teens, seniors, caregivers, employees and patients
- Social Media intervention developed by teens for teens
- Gaming and social networks with competitions and rewards for healthy behaviors
- Differentiated “private” and “public” social media initiatives which span business goals
- New framework for generating consumer engagement incorporating financial, social and personal dimensions
Panel Moderator: Sherri Dorfman, MBA, Consumer Engagement Specialist, CEO, Stepping Stone Partners
- Paul Puopolo, Director, Consumer Innovation, Humana
- Eric Zimmerman, Chief Marketing Officer, RedBrick Health
- Rick LeMoine, MD, FACP, Chief Medical Information Officer, Sharp HealthCare
- Paul To, CEO & Founder,
- Kendra Markle, Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab,
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